The Limapela Foundation

Quality education for Zambia based on Christian values

25 July 2008

The Foundation

The Limapela Foundation has now been incorporated in New Zealand as a Charitable Trust. At present the trustees are Matthew Raymond (teacher), Terry Webster (consultant) and Ben O'Connor (teacher), all of Auckland. Application is being made to the New Zealand Charities Commission for tax-exemption on donations. There have been recent changes to the legislation in this regard, resulting in a high number of applications from different organizations around the country, so the application is a lengthy process.

Children in Classroom

The Cedric School Project

The Foundation anticipates that Matthew and Alison Raymond and Terry and Carolyn Webster will be able to move out to Zambia early in 2009 to start the project. Prior to that the purchase and legal land transfer will need to be arranged with the Whittemore family, who are the current owners, and this may necessitate a preliminary visit by Matthew and Terry. A private company will need to be set up in Zambia and immigration permits applied for.


Fund-raising for the Cedric School Project is gathering momentum. Many thanks to all who are contributing to this ambitious venture in one way or another. We are encouraged to report that we have now reached 22% of the target for Capital and Development (NZ$495,000) for the first year, and 42% of the targeted Operational Costs (NZ$160,000).

The Foundation is seeking committed sponsors for all 260 students at NZ$12 (US$10) per student per month, and sponsors for the 8 teachers at $400 (US$320) per teacher per month. This will ensure that the school running costs are covered while the farm is being established.

Banana Plantation

The Limapela Farm

Establishing the new Limapela Farm will be the most important priority. 60 hectares will be available for cultivation, and the sooner the crops are planted, the sooner the course towards self-sufficiency for Cedric School will be set. The company will ensure that the school will continue to run smoothly under its current headmaster and staff during the time of transition.

Contributing to the Foundation

We can assure you that your contribution will make a real difference to the education and well being of the children at Cedric School. Please use the Pledge Form if you wish to contribute financially, either with donations or on-going sponsorship. Do feel free to contact us if you are interested in assisting in any other way, or if you require further information.