The Limapela Foundation

Quality education for Zambia based on Christian values

10 October 2009

The Limapela Cedric’s Basic School

Starting the school day at 7:30 am makes good sense in Africa, especially at this time of year when by midday the heat saps both energy and motivation. Although there was heavy rain a week ago, the rains are not usually expected until late October. They will be very welcome when they do come!

Alison and I are visiting the school regularly now to prepare for the transition to new ownership. This will take place officially on 1 January 2010. In the meantime we are observing, consulting and listening. Among the many needs for improvement, four stand out: more books, running water, electricity and higher salaries for the teachers. But in spite of the constraints under which they work, the headmaster and staff are running a fine and happy school of which the community can feel justifiably proud.


Terry Webster is hard at work with the building contractors who are building the two guest houses for us to live in. They are small, but should be adequate until larger dwellings can be put up. These are being built on a bushy 50 hectare block of land that we are buying for the Limapela Farm, next to the Baluba community and about 30 km from Cedric’s School. In the meantime we are grateful to John and Kendra Enright for providing temporary accommodation for all four of us at Kafakumba.

Meeting Financial Needs

Do continue to support the work of the Foundation. Funding is needed for unexpected expenditure in the building programme and to cover the cost of sending the container from New Zealand. Donations can be sent to our NZ postal address. Cheques can be in any major currency, payable to The Limapela Foundation. British and American donors who would like a tax receipt can view detailed donation instructions.

— Matthew Raymond, Chairman